We’re now wading deep into the holiday season! In light of Veteran's Day last week and with Thanksgiving fast approaching, we think it's the perfect time to show thanks. So, as a thank you to both our readers and veterans, we're giving you something to get excited about: a collection highlight! Make the most of your holiday by looking through these resources related to military service throughout the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. One way to give thanks it is to remember and understand the stories and events that veterans experience. By delving into these collections you'll discover powerful insight into the stories of those touched by war: not just soldiers, but also nurses, doctors, mechanics, their family and friends. Since war touches everyone, you may even find a personal connection to yourself or someone you know. Give thanks to all those who came before you by
exploring these heritage collections too. Some of our most extensive
collections contain photographs and service listings from the world wars. You’ll find thousands of the documents and photographs left behind to
tell those stories in the collections below. Taking the time to read and
remember the lives and histories of our heritage is a great way to honor that
heritage and show thanks to those that came before.
nurses from Red Cross Files for World War 2 |
Here you'll encounter listings containing the basic information of thousands of volunteers in various roles, their families, those who perished, and those safely discharged.
Service Card of William R. Holt |
This collection contains the service cards of men and women from Weber County that served during World War I. They include their home address, next of kin, the branch of service, entrance date, discharge date, and remarks such as where they served and if killed in action. Included in this collection are notable names such as Browning, Scowcroft, Bernard DeVoto, Lawrence Dee, and Edmond Littlefield.
An officer standing next to an ambulance during WWI |
This collection contains a diary,
personal letters and photos of Edmond Arthur Littlefield principally from his
service in the American Field Service during World War I. Other items include
pre and post WWI letters and photos.
in the July 4th armistice parade |
A collection of photographs of the Armistice Parade that took place in Ogden, Utah in 1919. They include photographs of the troops returning from war, various women’s groups like the American Red Cross, and school children. These photographs were donated by Richard Roberts.
POWs with the nurse
A collection of photographs and oral history quotes that document the history of the Prisoner of War camp at Defense Depot Ogden that opened in 1943 and closed in 1946. The oral histories were conducted with widows of German and Italian POWs, former guards, and community members that worked with the POWs.
Cocoa for All! A soldier lights another's cigarette across a table filled with cocoa mugs. |
[John Hale, the Old Man of the Tennessee mountains, is shown a bazooka by Pfc. Alexander Hamilton. This photograph ran in the CUB, the official publication of the Army Division, February 25, 1944] |
Containing more than 1,350 images scanned from negatives, original prints, and slides, J. Malan Heslop served in the U.S. Army and documented the final months of World War II in Austria, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, and Germany.
Interview with Jack Heide discussing his experiences serving in the Army Reserves |
The UO Veterans Oral History Project was established in 2012 with the
aim of documenting the military experiences of men and women associated
with the University of Oregon and the wider Oregon community. The
project understands military experience broadly to include not just
combat but all aspects of military service.
The UO Veterans Oral History Project rests on interviews with
both veterans and active duty service men and women. Interviews are
conducted and transcribed by University of Oregon students enrolled in a
class designed to support the project. The interviews are permanently
housed in the archive at the University of Oregon Libraries.
World War I service questionnaires | Fred R Davidson |
This series contains military service questionnaires and photographs
of Utah's World War I veterans compiled by the Utah State Historical
Society shortly after the war. The forms were sent to veterans or their
families to complete and return.
The survey was the result of a request by Utah Governor
Bamberger to the State Council of Defense that a War History of the
State be compiled. By 1920 when the Council had disbanded, the project
was continued by the Utah State Historical Society who hired Dr. Andrew
L. Neff to write the history. By 1926 the production of an all
encompassing work proved overwhelming, and it was learned that the
federal government was compiling similar information to be filed with
the state adjutant general. Therefore the project was abandoned as
infeasible and a duplication of effort.
A terse memorandum informing a Captain that his troop would be parading through Salt Lake City on the 6th. |
This series contains a scrapbook of the 145th Field Artillery of Utah
explaining how President Wilson tried to persuade the nation into
joining the war, how Utah's National Guard was mobilized, and the names
of the Utah soldiers. The scrapbook was created by the Statistical
Section of the Regiment.
The scrapbook has excerpts from: President Wilson's
Address to Congress, 'The War Message and Facts Behind it', and the
President's Flag Day Address. It also contains appointments and general
orders made by President Wilson reorganizing Utah's 145th. It has the
names of the soldiers who were ordered or drafted into the service,
enlistments, promotions, transfers, and rosters.
The University Archives Photograph Collection contains modern and vintage photographic prints related to the University of Oregon. The photographs depict a variety of buildings, historic scenes, events, students, faculty and staff, and scenes of campus life. Additionally, photos of World War II-era events on campus and soldiers are also featured.
This series is an effort to preserve a history of the World War I war record of Utah. The task originally was begun by the State Council of Defense, part of the National Council of Defense created on August 29, 1916 by act of Congress. The State Councils were to assist the federal government in recruiting for the National Guard and armed forces, promoting agricultural and industrial production for the war effort, fundraising, and planning patriotic activities. The Council also responded to a request by Governor Bamberger to compile a War History of the state. With the end of the war, the State Council was dissolved, and the war history aspect was assumed by the Utah State Historical Society. Most of the series consists of rosters of one form or another, including the Dead Roster featured here.
This collection contains over 171,000 images from the 1930s to the 1960s. It is unique in origin as it includes images taken by dozens of different photographers sent out by the newspaper to get the perfect shot, something newsworthy. This results in many "live action" images taken of everyday activities and includes photos of war-related parades and local servicemen.
A wonderful resource for stock images of people, places, and happenings around the University of Oregon campus, this collection also contains a series of photos of a 2007 Iraq War Flag Memorial.
As always, we're thankful for all our partners who have contributed these collections: Brigham Young University, Utah Department of Heritage & Arts, Oregon Digital, Utah State Archives, and Weber State University!
Happy Thanksgiving!